Priha, aged 11

I liked the videos, they were short and kept my attention

Joe, aged 11

It would help other children think about sport differently

Anna-Clare Norden, Headteacher

I believe, physical and mental health go ‘hand in hand’ and that it is really important to develop them simultaneously.  In using sports psychology within our PE lessons, not only are our children benefitting from enhancing their physical performance but also their general wellbeing.  Their mental strength and resilience have grown, and they have new […]

Ben, aged 11

Other children could become better sportspeople by changing their mindset

Trey, aged 9

The psychological challenges have helped me think more about things

Frank, aged 8

The videos helped me to understand me in an easy way

Liz Frith, PE teacher, Essex

It is a wonderful new venture which will enhance lots of children’s physical and mental well-being and self-belief. I would definitely recommend it